Year End Arrangments

We can hardly believe December is upon us and the year is racing to an end!

As you end off 2022 – we wish you a “slow end” to the year rather than a mad panic! Prioritising time with family and friends, rest and recovery, catching up your reading and hobbies, and refilling with joy and happiness and calm over the holiday season.

Please note The OT Link office will officially close on 15 December 2022 and reopen on 13 January 2023. Your courses will remain open and available to learn over the holiday period. We will check in emails periodically in case of a crisis.

Daleen Casteleijn will also be on leave over this time but will be marking APOM and VdTMOCA assignments in between her holiday plans. So please allow some grace for approval of assignments.

Thank you so much for your support of The OT Link courses, your feedback and suggestions. YOU and YOUR learning are our passion and we look forward to an exciting 2023 full of new content!

Best wishes

Jen and Lauren