Grab yourself a cuppa and join Anupa Singh and The OT Link for online Coffee Club.
Follow the link provided to watch the video. You can watch it in parts or all at once, but you will need to complete the viewing of the video on the website before you can complete the quiz.
A follow up Zoom Case Study and Q&A session was recorded and is loaded onto the course lesson list so that you can watch it at a convenient time.
Once you have completed the presentation and zoom viewing, answer the quiz. You only have three attempts at the quiz, so be sure to check your answers. If you score above 70% on the Quiz, you will qualify for 3 CEUs.
On completion of the course and quiz, kindly fill in the course evaluation so that we can monitor the quality of this CPD activity. This is an HCPSA requirement. Once you have completed the evaluation and marked all tasks complete, you will be able to access your CEU certificate on your My Courses Profile.
You have until the 31st of December 2022 to complete this course.
We hope you enjoy this online course!
We look forward to your feedback and questions.
Interesting material that was well-presented and encouraged a shift in perspective while providing evidence to support the material.