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CEU points process
Watch the recorded webinar.
After you have watched the video, please complete the course evaluation. You need to have marked the Video lesson complete in order for this Course Evaluation to open.
Please complete the course evaluation. This is an HPCSA requirement of all courses. Your feedback is important in monitoring the quality of this learning activity and providing the speaker with feedback on how to improve or extend this workshop.
Please mark the evaluation complete and you will then be able to download, save or print your CEU certificate.
According to the new HPCSA requirements – we will submit your attendance information directly to HPCSA. You no longer need to do this. We do just recommend that you keep a copy of your certificate for your own records.
This course is accredited for:
HPCSA: 1 Ethics CEU, Level 1
OASA (Ocularist Association of South Africa): Universal – 1 (one) point
Should you have any queries or concerns regarding the course content, please contact Belinda Leibowitz at The Low Vision Centre of Learning at
Should you have any other technical queries or concerns – please contact The OT Link team at
We hope you have enjoyed this course!
Kind regards
Belinda, Hazel and Karen
The Low Vision Centre of Learning
Link to pdf of Presentation Slides