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Clair VA, Newcombe DB. Values and ethics in practice-based decision making. Can J Occup Ther. 2014 Jun;81(3):154-62. doi: 10.1177/0008417414535083. PMID: 25154129.


Objectives of this course

On completion of this CPD activity, the participant will be able to:

  1. Discuss the role client and therapist values play in ethical decision-making relating to practice.
  2. Begin to identify their own values and prejudices which may impact their own clinical decisions.
  3. Identify values tensions in their own practice settings.
  4. Add values-based deliberation into their ethical reasoning.



Progress to the lesson to begin reading the article. Mark this step complete once you have read the article.

You may then progress to answer the quiz. You only have three attempts at the quiz, so be sure to check your answers. If you score above 70% on the Quiz, you will qualify for 3 CEUs.

Once you have marked all tasks complete, you will be able to access your CEU certificate on your My Courses Profile.

You have until the 31st of December 2022 to complete this course.

We hope you enjoy this online course!

We look forward to your feedback and questions.

Ratings and Reviews

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Mpilo Noxolo Zuke
Posted 2 years ago
Practioner's should be explicitly aware of how their values influence practice-based decisions.

I liked the fact that the study was clear on how a big part of client-centered care was influenced by the interplay between the client's and practitioner's values. I appreciate how it highlighted the overlooked power dynamic that exists in this aspect of the therapeutic relationship.

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ANN Nott
Posted 2 years ago
Preferences and value

Interesting views of points in ethics

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Posted 2 years ago
The importance of self reflection and introspection.

Would be interesting if the study was carried out on a South African population. Our society is so diverse with all the languages, cultures and social-economic statuses etc. We as Occupational Therapists are compelled daily to be aware of our values and the role they play in the ethical decision making relating to practice. We need to always be self-reflecting and doing introspection.

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Serena Lee
Posted 3 years ago
Practical ideas and compassionate

Enjoyed the practicality of article. Might be New Zealand, but is a common occurence in practise. Might be easier here as pts have to use own funds for adaptations, and therefore do end up with more autonomy.

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Liana van Heerden
Posted 3 years ago
It was informative and provided food for thought!

It was interesting to read as I have been working in a school setting for SID learners for 30 years and it was enriching for me to be confronted with an OT scenario in the physical / community field.

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