Case-Smith, Jane & Arbesman, Marian. (2008). Evidence-Based Review of Interventions for Autism Used in or of Relevance to Occupational Therapy. The American journal of occupational therapy: official publication of the American Occupational Therapy Association. 62. 416-29. 10.5014/ajot.62.4.416.
Summary of the content of this article
This article explores the evidence for 6 different approaches which can be used by occupational therapists in their management of clients with ASD. These approaches include: Sensory Integation, Relationship-based interventions (e.g. DIR); Developmental Skill-based programmes (e.g.TEACCH); Social Cognitive Skill training; Parent-directed and parent-mediated approaches; Intensive behaviour interventions (eg. EIBI). Efficacy of these approaches in improving academic skills, social interaction and communication and adaptive behaviour is explored. The article also analyses the study designs and rigor of the studies reviewed in order to make recommendations on whether or not the evidence can be used conclusively to guide practice.
Objectives of this course
On completion of this CPD activity, the participant will be able to:
- Define the different approaches which can be used by OTs to treat clients with ASD.
- Discuss the evidence for different interventions for ASD.
- Make recommendations as to which approaches would be useful in treating a child with ASD.
- Discuss the limitations and strengths of this research.